
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
  1. enum cols;
  2. enum cols;
  3. size_t cols [@property getter]
  4. size_t cols [@property getter]
  5. enum cols;
  6. enum cols;
  7. size_t cols [@property getter]
  8. size_t cols [@property getter]
  9. enum cols;
  10. size_t cols [@property getter]
  11. enum cols;
  12. size_t cols [@property getter]
    struct MatrixExpression(Lhs, string s, Rhs)
    @property const
    static if(!((isMatrix!Lhs || isAbstractMatrix!Lhs) && (isMatrix!Rhs || isAbstractMatrix!Rhs)))
    static if(!(isMatrix!Lhs || isAbstractMatrix!Lhs))
    static if(!(hasStaticCols!Rhs))
    if (
    isValidOperator!(Lhs, s, Rhs) &&
    isMatrix!Lhs ||
